Guess what Jesse and I did yesterday?

Our first stop was the aquarium. Jesse is obsessed with fish so he would point out and identify each exotic fish we passed and (hopefully) joked that it was going to go in our future fish tank.
We found Nemo (and Dorie too)!
My favorite room was the jellyfish room. The ones pictured above are “upside down” jellyfish that are named so because of the way they just lay upside down on the ocean floor.
The penguins were really fun to watch because they acted like children on a playground, pushing and shoving each other around then squawking loudly to tattletale to the others.
After, we headed over to the butterfly pavilion where I had a few moments of sheer panic. Nothing gets my heart racing like being in a room full of insects (tarantulas included) and having giant moths attack my face.

After we (quickly) left the pavilion, we looked at all the other exhibits which featured everything from alligators to, one of my favorites, the giraffes.
These sweet little lemurs just pulled at my heart strings. Look how the little black one has his tail draped over his gal pal, so sweet!
We got the biggest kick out of the monkey exhibit, they definitely put on quite a show. The orangutan pictured kept licking the glass whenever someone would walk by, you could tell it was looking for a laugh. The gorilla pictured kept picking his nose and licking his fingers like no one was watching. We even had another gorilla who kept watching Jesse and I walk by and he just wouldn’t break his stare. When we were about 10 yards away, just about to leave, the gorilla started running full force at us, and when he got to the window he banged his fists on his chest and body slammed his weight against the window. It was so bizarre we felt like we were in a scene of Planet of the Apes. It scared the living daylights out of us and everyone around (even made a baby cry), then the gorilla just sat down at the window and chewed on some grass like, “whatevs.”

Probably the cutest animal there was this little guy. I can’t remember what he’s called, but he looked like a fawn and just posed perfectly with his meerkat buddies. So photogenic!
Do they look familiar? We found Rosie and Ruby’s relatives (obviously some very close blood lines going on here)!

Hope you all have a great week!