The one thing that can cheer me up after the holidays are over is when Target marks their holiday décor down to 90% off, that’s when I can go krazzzyy and have no buyers remorse! This year I got there a couple days after so it was somewhat picked over but I still found some fun goodies for both myself and the girls.
Rosie loved both outfits but Ruby clearly was not digging the dress (you can see the green eyed monster eyeballing those jammies from a mile away).
I bought the essentials (tissue paper, gift boxes, lights, ornament hooks, gift labels, and tape) plus some red and gold ornaments for next year’s Christmas tree and these adorable vintage looking ornaments that I don’t have a place for but couldn’t resist!
My favorite buy was my new shiny and glam planner! Hopefully it will help me with my new year’s resolution to be more organized!

Did you find any after Christmas sales that were too good to pass up?
If so, I want to hear about them!
P.S. Anthropologie is now having 75% off their holiday décor.